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Problem Dlink DIR-300

Doporučené příspěvky

I have the same trouble with this router (D-Link DIR-300 HW version: B1, firmware 2.5).

I've tried it with two different UPC modems.

a) the first one - connection between UPC modem and router is not operating (router LED indicator for Internet neither blinks nor lights)

b) the second one - connection between UPC modem and router is up (router LED indicator lights), but connection to is not operating


Communication with UPC help line brings no solution :(


Notice: D-Link DIR-300 HW version: A1 fully operated with UPC modem.

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You are connected via UPC Czech ?

Yes, UPC CZ, I live in Praha


I called to UPC.. And they said that they must to check something, and I must wait...

You may live in some specific part of UPC site. There were services still fix on MAC address (I don't know how is it now) and they don't use cable modems there.

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