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Still billed after cancellation

Doporučené příspěvky

Návštěvník Pierre_31

After moving abroad, I have cancelled my contract by filing a form. I have received an SMS on 17th of September, stating that my number "has been terminated".
I cancelled last month the authorization to take the money from my bank account.

However, I have received yesterday a message from my bank, saying that Vodafone is still trying to take money. I tried to call this morning to reach an operator, for 2 hours, without any success.
Does anybody have an idea if this is normal, or if it's an "error" from Vodafone?

I am not considering paying this last bill, since I understand that my contract was terminated (as proved by the SMS they sent).
I guess that if they really need this money, they will be more efficient to reach me than they are to answer to the phone...

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