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Tento měsíc mi bylo účtováno více za internet

Přejít na řešení Vyřešil Marek-26,

Doporučené příspěvky

Návštěvník PMPrague

Nechápu, proč mi byl tento měsíc účtován více za domácí internet. Minulý měsíc to bylo a
- 692,23 Kč měsíční splátka
- 100 Kč pronájem HW
Celkem 792,23

Nyní je to:
- 692,23 Kč Opakované poplatky
- 504 Kč Poplatky na plátce (nemohu získat, co je to za službu?)
- Sleva 170 Kč (Proč je to tady?)
Celkem 1196 (sleva na divnou věc nebyla přidána k celkovému počtu)

Navíc jsem se v srpnu připojil k internetu a v té době platil za modem 4700 Kč. Stále nechápu, proč bych měl platit 100 Kč každý měsíc navíc každý měsíc.

Mám balíček připojení: Neomezená data
Pevný internetový kabel 1 Gbps


I cannot understand why I was charged more for home internet this month. Last month it was a 
-  692.23 CZK monthly payment
- 100 CZK HW rental
Total 792.23

Now it is:
- 692.23 CZK Recurring charges 
- 504 CZK Charges per payer (I cannot get what is this service?)
- 170 CZK Discount (Why is it here?)
Total 1196 (Weird thing discount was not added to total)

In addition to that, I have connected to internet in August and at that time payed 4700 CZK for modem. Still canot get why I should  pay 100 czk every month on top of that every month.

I have a connection package: Neomezená data
Pevný internet Kabel 1 Gbps


PS: Omlouvám se, že neumím česky, ale mohu použít google překladač.

  • Řešení

Hi, English is not problem 🙂 


100 CZK per month is for renting an Arris modem (Vodafone station) for 1Gbps service. The modem is not sold but rented.
Even the monthly price of the 1Gbps service is still / should still be the same 692 CZK. 
I think the 4700 might have been a security deposit, which is returned after 4 months either to the bill or in the bank account (usually to the bill).  
Didn't you originally have a self-installation ordered and ended up having a technician do the modem wiring completely? The price difference there is exactly 404 CZK, which is for the installation by the technician. So, modem rental + assisted installation 504 CZK. 


The discount is weird. Anyway, you'll have to contact Vodafone directly for more information, specifically they can only discuss after admin password authorization. 


P.S. If 4700 CZK is security deposit, and they will return it to bill, after the fourth month, the services will start to be paid from the security deposit and almost 6 months so you will be pre-paid. When you call Vodafone, make sure you check with your security deposit whether it goes back into your bank account or into your bill.

  • Super
  • Premium 5G
  • 18+
  • Vodafone Station WiFi 6
  • Brüx
Návštěvník PMPrague

Yes I called the tech specialist and he connected modem to outlet and launched a WiFi. Perhaps 504 CZK is the fee for that. I not get this payment is related to connection, because connection was set at August and charge for it came at November.


I tried to contact support. The online chat is a bot and he does not speaks English. On the phone I get no luck with either English or Ukrainian as well.


Thanks, it was helpful. I will pay now.

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