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I am sending you this email for my SECOND time overcharged. Today 25/1 is the normal day that I should pay Vodafone and once more I got overcharged without knowing the reason and bearly using my phone for calls sms internet etc . The normal amount is 690kc  smth like this and  I am charged 1300kc and last month I was charged even more 1500 . The app is not giving me any reason for this overcharged so I am asking you since I am not late in my payment . This is more than the double of what I  was agreed too. Also I would like to mention that one time that I was trying to pay and your app wasn’t working I went to pay to the store. And the man charged me like 200kc which said that I don’t have to pay more cause of the overpayment that was like August-September.  And when the app was functioning and it  was like I never pay and made me pay once more full month. So I am expecting some explanations here .


kind regards 

Eleni Metzitakou 

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